Save the Date!

American Planning Association announces the upcoming National Planning Conference: NPC25 Denver March 29 - April 1, additionally Online April 23rd through the 25th. Basic triangle shapes form mountains in lime green, mid-dark blue, orange, and a lighter blue slate. City scape drawing accompany the foreground in white and black, including a building skyline, a variety of building styles, trees, lamp posts, and multi-modal vehicles.

Denver | March 29 - April 1
Online | April 23-25

NPC25 program areas will include sessions on these topics:

  • Climate Change, Energy, and the Environment
    • Economic Trends and Transformations
    • Emerging and Evolving Technology
    • Inclusive Planning for Social Change
    • Housing Challenges and Solutions
    • Navigating Politics to Advance Planning
    • Transportation and Infrastructure
    • Upskilling for the Future

National Planning Conference Details

Get Ready! The Call for Proposals for NPC25 Opens Soon

Start preparing your session submissions now by brainstorming ideas and reaching out to peers to co-present. Your participation is valuable and has an influence!

Helpful Tips

Be Clear and Concise: Clearly state the main idea of your session and the key takeaways for participants.

Engage Your Audience: Think about interactive elements or discussion points that can engage the audience.

Highlight Relevance: Ensure your proposal addresses current trends, challenges, or innovations in the field.

Collaborate: Reach out to potential co-presenters early to develop a cohesive and dynamic session.

Portal Windows Open July 31

Submit Your Proposal by August 21, 2024

Notification of Session Acceptance in January 2025

NPC25 Call for Proposals

Get Your Guide to Submitting a Strong Proposal

If speaking isn't your forte, consider joining as a peer reviewer to help shape the future of NPC25.

As a peer reviewer, you'll help shape the conference from behind the scenes by ensuring high-quality sessions that align with current trends and needs in the field.

Plus, you'll receive CM credit for your pro bono service, acknowledging your expertise and dedication.

Sign up to review proposals by August 21, 2024

Reviewing Period: August 30-September 13, 2024

Program Curation: October through December 2024

Sign Up to be a Peer Reviewer

Why Participate?

Share your expertise: Present your insights and experience with a diverse audience of professionals in the planning community.

Make an impact: Contribute to the collective knowledge and understanding of key issues in planning and help shape the field's future.

Network and collaborate: Connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and forge valuable partnerships.

Raise your profile: Establish yourself as a thought leader and gain recognition for your contributions within the planning industry.

APA City Planning and Management Division announces the winners of the Spring AICP Grant.  Winners include: Tharani Devi Palma, Ryan Silber, Johnathan Gates, Michael Greco, and Natasha Miles. Graphic includes visual cues of aqua pool water, shadows of palm leaves, as well as fluorescent chartreuse palm leaf icons.

We are thrilled to announce this Spring’s AICP Grant Winners:

Ryan Silber from Sacramento, CA

Johnathan Gates from Tempe, AZ

Michael Greco from Tallahassee, FL

Tharani Devi Palma from Benbrook, TX

Natasha Miles from Daphne, AL

Congratulations to each of you! Your dedication to city planning is truly inspiring, and we are excited to support you on your professional journey.

We also extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the applicants for their hard work and commitment. For those planning to take the fall exam, we encourage you to apply when we continue our grant program. A big thank you to our grant committee for diligently evaluating all the applications and maintaining this valuable membership opportunity.

Once again, congratulations to the grant winners. We eagerly anticipate your continued success in the field of city planning and management.

APA City Planning and Management Division announces AICP Grants Coming Again This Fall. APA City’s logo appears. Graphic includes visual cues of aqua pool water, shadows of palm leaves, as well as fluorescent chartreuse palm leaf icons.

Please give a warm welcome to the Student Ambassadors Committee!

We are thrilled to announce a landmark initiative for our emerging professional members, the Student Ambassador Committee. This dynamic group is dedicated to fostering engagement, dialogue, and exploration within our community.

At the helm, Taeyoung Kim provides exceptional program leadership, organizing new projects and membership opportunities. At the heart of the Student Ambassador Committee lies the exciting and engaging blog, aptly named Rate Your Cities.

What Is ‘Rate Your Cities’?

Rate Your Cities is a platform where authors can share their unique perspectives on urban environments. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a local resident, this blog invites you to interact with the cities you visit or inhabit.

Our guiding light is none other than Jeff Speck, a renowned city planner and urban designer. His influential work, The General Theory of Walkability, centers around creating walkable, vibrant cities that enhance quality of life.

City Excellence Index: Jeff Speck’s theory emphasizes four essential qualities that make a city attractive to pedestrians:

How Does It Work?

As part of Rate Your Cities, authors will share their personal experiences, observations, and insights. Whether you’re passionate about architecture, public art, or local cuisine, your voice matters.

Excellent Good Mediocre Poor
Walkability - Useful 35 pts 25 pts 15 pts 5 pt
Walkability - Safety 35 pts 25 pts 15 pts 5 pt
Walkability - Comfortable 15 pts 10 pts 5 pts 0 pt
Walkability - Interesting 15 pts 10 pts 5 pts 0 pt

This project embraces subjectivity—each author’s lens shapes their city ratings. Over time, these diverse perspectives will cumulate into a comprehensive City Excellence Index Ranking List.

We encourage students from various backgrounds to participate. By collaborating, we’ll create a rich tapestry of urban narratives.

Join us on this exciting journey as we explore cities, celebrate their uniqueness, and contribute to a more walkable, vibrant world. Welcome to ‘Rate Your Cities’!

A tiger gazes to the right with its fangs splayed partially open. “Go Get Em’ Tiger” encourages the audience in white font.  Larger, light orange polka dots accompany a medium orange background.

We want to profess our profound congratulations to all the AICP certification recipients, as well as all those graduating this year!

We are so very proud of each of you!

The Division Council of the American Planning Association hereby presents the 2023 Division Achievement Award for Division Communication Effort  City Planning and Management Division  Newsletters, E-Blasts, LinkedIn  June 2024  Joel Albizo, FASAE, CAE Chief Executive Officer Chad M. Nabity, AICP Division Council Chair American Planning Association Creating Great Communities for All

Our Communications Team Wins Award!

We are thrilled to announce that our member-led newsletter and social media content have received a prestigious award from APA’s Division Council. This achievement would not have been possible without your invaluable support.

Our dedicated division executives, volunteers, authors, and committee members have worked tirelessly to foster growth and excellence. As our division continues to expand, so do the benefits for our members.

A heartfelt shout-out to Patrice Ruffin, Jordan McKenzie, and Eliot Tipton for their unwavering commitment to our communications program. Serving our membership over the past year has been an honor, and we look forward to even greater accomplishments ahead.

Thank you for being part of our success story!

All my best to you and yours,

Stephanie Donahue

AICP Grant Winners Coming Soon!

Applications have come to a close and a new round of AICP Reimbursement Grant Recipients will be announced soon! Stay tuned!

Elections Cycle 2024 2

APA City Planning & Management Division is announcing Division Officer Elections!

Division members are encouraged to inquire and nominate yourself, embarking on a two-year journey within division leadership. This is a great opportunity for personal growth, networking, and professional development.

Executive Chair, Vice Chair, Director of Administration, and Director of Finance are up for grabs! Each term begins January 1st, 2025.

Interested? Contact Don Roe at and please include ‘CPM Election’ in the subject line of your email.

Nominations will be accepted April 30th - May 28th, 2024.

PSRW 2024-2 (1)

Public Service Recognition Week is held each May and APA City Planning & Management Division is delighted to spotlight the planners who’ve truly shined. Chosen by their peers, these honorees stand out not just for their impressive work but also for their integrity. It’s our pleasure to celebrate their achievements and the positive impact they’ve had on our community.

We celebrate you, as well.

May 5-11th, 2024 #PSRW


The Divisions Council EDI Task Force is developing a Diverse Speaker Bureau project. It is to create a database of speakers from different backgrounds and experiences. The database can be a resource for APA, APA Divisions, and APA Chapters seeking speakers from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

Please share the survey/form with your division members and your network. All are welcome to join in.

Survey Link:

City Volunteer Week 2024-1 (3)

APA City is hosting a webinar February 2nd at 1pm ET, 10am PT

Nicole Henningfeld presents:

Building Resiliency by Planning for Wildfire

🔥 Gain CM credits! CM 1.5 | SR 1.0

Building Resiliency by Planning for Wildfire Webinar-1

Register at

Nicole Henningfeld is a wildfire mitigation specialist whose goal is to disseminate safety information across industries. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology from University of Montana and an Ecology and Conservation Certificate from Montana State University – Bozeman. Nicole is a recognized expert in neighborhood wildfire preparedness planning.

Bylaw Changes

APA's Proposed Bylaws Changes, Welcoming Your Participation

The American Planning Association has released proposed changes to its bylaws that will impact the association's organization, policies, and procedures. These changes are crucial for the growth and effectiveness of our association, and we value your input in shaping our future. 

Request for Member Comments:

Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the direction of our organization. We invite you to share your thoughts, concerns, and suggestions regarding the proposed bylaws changes. Your comments will be considered during the review process.
Deadline for Comments:

  • Comments Due by: December 14th
  • Submission Method: Comments should include the APA member's name and member ID, Bylaws reference number (e.g., section x.x) and a concise statement specific to the proposed amendment. Comments should be sent to with the subject line "Bylaws Updates".

Your active involvement is essential in shaping the future of our association. We appreciate your time and dedication to ensuring that our organization remains strong and responsive to the needs of its members.

Frequently Asked Questions and Additional Information:

Proposed Bylaw changes can be downloaded by members at Frequently asked questions and additional information can be found at

Join our team, volunteer with us, make a difference with our division, Email us at

Join our team, volunteer with us, make a difference with our division, Email us at

AICP Scholarship Winners Mountain Climbing Poster: Summit Success! AICP Reimbursement Scholarship Award Winners: Freddy Vasquez of Chicago, IL, Andrew McDonald of South Jordan, UT, and Agnes Ho of Westminster, CA

Membership Survey, APA City Members: We need to hear from you! Please click the link and tell us about yourself… htps://

Virtual Trivia Night

Virtual Trivia Night

October 25, 2023

7:00 pm ET

$100 Gift Card Giveaway

Meet up at,giob0REbR0a1V50Z0e1o8Q,qIDIUgqNlUqvK5mO4YbmrQ,16ykIaiIfkmiBQNuljrBVw,B7dKj4KZwEKqG9HtZ4zpFQ,U5TFDld_gkiDHWbuHYE7EQ?mode=read&tenantId=d4208ef9-3b0e-41d2-9c98-d197220fa73a&webinarRing=gcc

Recruiting Volunteers 4

AICP Scholarship Fall 2023

Reimbursement Scholarship Opportunity

Applications Open October 1st-25th, 2024

Send applications in PDF format to:

Contact Information: Provide your full name and email address for communication purposes.

Membership Details: Include your APA membership number and indicate whether you are a member of the City Division.

Reimbursement Documentation: Attach the expense receipt for reimbursement.

Personal Statement: AICP Credential Significance (200 words or less) Articulate why attaining the AICP credential holds significance for you.

Financial Impact Statement: (200 words or less) Elaborate on how the financial support being sought would positively influence your pursuit of AICP goals.

Career Aspirations: (200 words or less) Detail your career aspirations related to city planning and management.

AICP Exam Prep (if applicable): a. Provide your intended AICP exam target date. b. Describe in 200 words or fewer how the scholarship funds will be utilized to enhance your exam preparation efforts.

AICP Exam/Application/Assessment Information: Specify the date of your AICP exam, application submission, or experience assessment, as relevant to your scholarship request.

The City Planning & Management Division may reimburse exam-takers up to $510 for costs associated with exam prep materials, application or experience assessment fees. Winners will be notified by mid November.

National Community Planning Month

National Community Planning Month

is a valuable opportunity to acknowledge the pivotal role of planners in our cities. Planners, by shaping and directing urban development, serve as the architects of thriving communities that cater to the well-being and needs of their residents. Their contributions are instrumental in crafting places where individuals aspire to reside, work, and raise families, thus elevating the overall quality of life while securing the wellness and sustainability of our communities. We extend our gratitude to all planning professionals and their supporters for their dedication to enhancing our communities. Thank you for your invaluable work!

Check out more at

APA esri Collab graphic

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Use Your Voice vote hands up green

American Planning Association Members! Now is the time to VOTE!

Exercise your right and make your voice heard! Ballots have been sent out! Check your Inbox for 'APA Consolidated Elections'. Voting in APA elections empowers you to shape the future of our community. Your participation strengthens our democracy, ensuring the representation of diverse opinions and ideas. For more information, head over to APA Elections page. Ballots are open through September 8th!


NPC24 Call for Proposals!

Share your expertise, make an impact, network and collaborate, as well as raise your profile with us in Minneapolis!

Submit an Education Session
Volunteer to Review Submissions
Submit a Mobile Workshop Session

Head over to NPC24 Proposals for more info on core content areas of interest, submission guidelines, exciting opportunities, and frequently asked questions!

⚠ Deadlines:
Submit a Proposal: August 7–28, 2023
Sign Up to Review Proposals: August 7–28, 2023
Proposals Peer Review: September 8–22, 2023
Program Development: October–December 2023
Registration Opens: January 2024

Please email us for more information on Fellows, mentorship, or educational opportunities. 

AICP Fellows Nominations

DUE AUGUST 30, 2023

Induction to the AICP College of Fellows is the highest honor the American Institute of Certified Planners bestows upon a member. Fellows of AICP are nominated and selected by their peers to recognize and honor their outstanding contributions as a professional planner.

The CPM Division wants to support our members on the path to becoming Fellows. Read up on the submission requirements here and then drop a line to and we will connect you with an experienced Fellow who can help you navigate the nomination process.

We Support Member Nominations

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National Planning Conference

Philadelphia April 1 - 4, 2023

Online April 26 - 28, 2023

Core content areas will include sessions on these topics: 

  • Climate Emergency 
  • Digitalization 
  • Diversification of Transportation 
  • Future of Work, Upskilling and Reskilling 
  • Health Equity and Nature 
  • Housing Affordability, Availability, and Accessibility 
  • Implementation of Federal Programs and Grants 
  • Political Shifts and Polarization 
  • Population Diversity and Inclusive Design

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Annual Meeting was April 2nd, 2023

City Planning & Management's Officer Election

Held in February every other year

Check out our Leadership